9 Things That Are 80 Feet (ft) Long


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showcasing various objects and entities measuring 80 feet

Imagine standing at the feet of a gentle giant, your neck craning to take in its full height. Now picture that colossal entity stretching out before you, spanning a whopping 80 feet in length. It’s a dimension that might seem abstract at first, but once you start exploring, you’ll find it popping up in the most unexpected places. From nature’s marvels to human-made wonders, eighty feet is a measurement that bridges the gap between the everyday and the extraordinary.

In this deep dive, we’ll explore nine fascinating things that measure up to eighty feet, offering you a fresh perspective on this intriguing length. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll see the world around you in a whole new light, spotting eighty feet wonders where you least expect them.

Visualizing 80 Feet: More Than Just Numbers

Before we jump into our list, let’s wrap our heads around what 80 feet really looks like. Picture this: it’s about the length of 13 average-sized men lying head-to-toe. That’s quite a lineup! Interestingly, Eighty feet also happens to be the length of ancient Roman warships, vessels that once ruled the Mediterranean seas.

Here’s a quick way to get a feel for eighty feet in your daily life:

  1. Count your steps: For most adults, it takes about 30-35 steps to cover 80 feet.
  2. Time yourself: Walking at an average pace, it’ll take you roughly 18-20 seconds to traverse eighty feet.
  3. Look up: In many urban areas, eighty feet is equivalent to the height of an eight-story building.

Now that we’ve got a handle on the scale, let’s dive into our list of nine surprising things that measure up to 80 feet.

The Magnificent Nine: Surprising 80 Feet Wonders

The Mighty Blue Whale

blue whale swimming in the ocean.

When it comes to awe-inspiring eighty feet creatures, the blue whale takes the crown. As the largest animal ever known to have existed on Earth, adult blue whales can reach lengths of up to 80-100 feet. To put that into perspective, that’s longer than the width of a regulation tennis court!

Fun Fact: A blue whale’s tongue alone can weigh as much as an elephant.

The blue whale’s massive size impacts every aspect of its life:

  • Feeding: They can consume up to 6 tons of krill daily.
  • Breathing: Their exhaled breath can reach heights of 39 feet.
  • Communication: Their low-frequency vocalizations can travel for hundreds of miles underwater.

Learn More about our article How Big Is 10 Inches Compared to An Object?

A Regulation Ice Hockey Rink

Comparison of 80 feet visualized with people and a hockey rink
Rink ElementMeasurement
Total Length200 feet
Width85 feet
Goal to Goal80 feet

The eighty feet distance between goals influences:

  • Passing strategies
  • Shot accuracy
  • Player positioning
  • Goalie techniques

Next time you watch a hockey game, imagine the players covering the length of a blue whale with each rush down the ice.

For more insights checkout our article 9 Things That Are 30 Feet Long/ Big 

The Wright Brothers’ First Flight

The Wright Brothers First Flight

On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made history with their first controlled, sustained flight of a powered aircraft. The distance? You guessed it – about 80 feet. This monumental achievement, roughly equivalent to the wingspan of a modern Airbus A380, laid the foundation for the future of aviation.

“If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advance.” – Orville Wright

Consider how far we’ve come:

  • Wright Flyer (1903): 80 feet flight
  • Spirit of St. Louis (1927): 3,610 miles non-stop flight
  • Modern commercial flights: Routinely cover 7,000+ miles

A Towering Redwood Tree’s Annual Growth

A Towering Redwood Tree

While a full-grown Sequoia tree can reach heights of over 300 feet, it’s fascinating to note that these giants can grow up to 80 feet in just their first 50 years of life. That’s an average of 1.6 feet per year!

Factors influencing redwood growth:

  • Soil quality
  • Water availability
  • Sunlight exposure
  • Climate conditions

Did you know? The tallest known living tree, a coast redwood named Hyperion, stands at 380.1 feet – nearly 5 times our eighty feet benchmark!

The Wingspan of a Boeing 747

An image of a Boeing 747 taking off or in flight.

The iconic Boeing 747, often called the “Queen of the Skies,” boasts a wingspan of about 80 feet. This massive spread allows the aircraft to generate the lift necessary to carry hundreds of passengers across oceans.

Comparing wingspans:

  1. Boeing 747: 80 feet
  2. Airbus A380: 261 feet
  3. Average human arm span: 5.5-6 feet

The eighty feet wingspan of the 747 is a testament to the engineering marvels that make flight possible, balancing size, weight, and aerodynamics to create a machine that defies gravity.

Additionally, you can explore my related article 12 Everyday Items That Are About 5 Inches Long

Two Full Sized School Buses

Picture two standard 40-foot school buses

Picture two standard 40-foot school buses parked end to end. That’s your 80 feet right there. This visual not only helps conceptualize the length but also highlights the impact of this dimension on our roads and public transportation systems.

School bus facts:

  • Average capacity: 72-78 passengers
  • Weight: 25,000-36,000 pounds
  • Fuel efficiency: 6-8 miles per gallon

The design of these buses, and the roads they travel on, must account for their significant length, especially when turning or navigating tight urban spaces.

The Longest Dinosaur: Supersaurus

80 feet long Dinosaur

Step back in time to the Jurassic period, and you’d find creatures that put our 80-foot measurement into prehistoric perspective. The Supersaurus, one of the longest dinosaurs ever discovered, is estimated to have reached lengths of up to 100-110 feet, with its neck alone spanning about 80 feet.

Supersaurus stats:

  • Length: 100-110 feet
  • Height: 40-50 feet
  • Weight: 35-40 tons

Imagine the challenges of being so large:

  • Finding enough food
  • Regulating body temperature
  • Protecting against predators

The Supersaurus gives us a glimpse into a world where 80 feet was just the neck of one of Earth’s most impressive inhabitants.

Half the Height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa stands at about 186 feet on its lower side and 186 feet on its higher side. eighty feet would get you just under halfway up this iconic landmark. The tower’s tilt, which once threatened its stability, has now become its claim to fame.

Leaning Tower of Pisa facts:

  • Construction started: 1173
  • Completed: 1399
  • Tilt angle: 3.97 degrees

The tower’s height and tilt make it a perfect subject for those forced perspective photos tourists love to take. Next time you see one, remember that the person pretending to hold up the tower is working with about 80 feet of imaginary leverage!

The Length of the Largest Known Giant Squid

Giant Squid

Diving into the depths of the ocean, we encounter another 80-feet wonder: the giant squid. While most specimens are smaller, the largest reliably measured giant squid was about 80 feet from the tip of its mantle to the end of its longest tentacle.

Giant squid mysteries:

  • Rarely seen alive
  • Mostly known from washed-up specimens
  • Believed to be the inspiration for the mythical Kraken

Studying these elusive creatures presents unique challenges due to their deep-sea habitat and the difficulty of observing them in their natural environment.

Practical Applications of 80 Feet Measurements

The 80-feet dimension isn’t just for natural wonders and historical landmarks. It plays a crucial role in various practical applications:

  1. Construction and Architecture
    • Building height restrictions
    • Bridge span calculations
    • Elevator shaft designs
  2. Sports Field Dimensions
    • Hockey rink length (as mentioned earlier)
    • Partial football field length (80 feet = 26.67 yards)
    • Baseline distance in baseball (90 feet, close to our 80-foot benchmark)
  3. Maritime and Naval Uses
    • Yacht designs
    • Harbor depth measurements
    • Submarine length classifications

The Impact of 80 Feet in Different Contexts

Urban Planning and Space Utilization

The Impact of 80 Feet in Different Contexts

In cities where every inch counts, 80 feet can be the difference between a cramped street and a spacious boulevard. Urban planners must consider this dimension when:

  • Designing road widths
  • Planning building setbacks
  • Creating public spaces

Environmental Considerations

The 80-feet measurement also plays a role in environmental conservation:

  • Sequoia tree protection zones
  • Whale watching distance regulations (often set at 100 yards, or 300 feet, making our 80-feet measure a good “cautious approach” distance)
  • Flood plain mapping and management

Technological Advancements

From the Wright brothers first flight to modern aerospace engineering, the ability to manage and utilize 80 feet dimensions has driven technological progress:

  • Satellite deployment mechanisms
  • Wind turbine blade design
  • Large-scale 3D printing capabilities

Conclusion: Seeing the World in 80 Feet Increments

As we have explored, eighty foot is more than just a number – it’s a dimension that connects the natural world with human achievement, from the majestic blue whale to the engineered precision of an ice hockey rink. It’s a length that has shaped our history, from the first powered flight to the design of modern skyscrapers.

The next time you’re out and about, try to spot things that might measure up to eighty feet. Maybe it’s the length of your local grocery store, the height of a nearby eight story building, or the distance between two landmark trees in your neighborhood park. By tuning into this dimension, you’ll gain a new appreciation for the scale of the world around you.

Remember, whether it’s half the height of the Statue of Liberty or a quarter the length of a feet ball field, eighth feet is a measurement that bridges the gap between the everyday and the extraordinary. It’s a testament to both the grandeur of nature and the ingenuity of human design.

So go ahead, step out into the world with fresh eyes, and see how many eighty feet wonders you can discover in your daily life. You might be surprised at what you find when you start measuring the world in blue whales, Wright brothers’ flights, and giant squid tentacles.

Quiz Yourself: How Well Do You Know 80 Feet Wonders?

  1. Which animal can grow up to 80 feet long?
    • A) Great White Shark
    • B) Blue Whale
    • C) Giant Squid
  2. How long was the Wright brothers’ first flight?
    • A) 50 feet
    • B) 80 feet
    • C) 100 feet
  3. What tree can grow up to 80 feet tall in its first 50 years?
    • A) Oak Tree
    • B) Redwood Tree
    • C) Pine Tree
  4. Which sports surface has an 80 feet dimension?
    • A) Soccer Field Width
    • B) Baseball Baseline
    • C) Hockey Rink (Goal to Goal)
  5. What prehistoric animal had a neck stretching 80 feet long?
    • A) Tyrannosaurus Rex
    • B) Stegosaurus
    • C) Supersaurus


  1. B) Blue Whale
  2. B) 80 feet
  3. B) Redwood Tree
  4. C) Hockey Rink (Goal to Goal)
  5. C) Supersaurus

Read More 10 Things That Are 100 Feet (ft) Long

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