10 Common Things That Are 15 Centimeters Long


Items measuring 15 centimeters: toothbrush, smartphone, Bic pen, sushi roll, and action figure.

Ever wondered about your toothbrush’s length or your smartphone’s screen size? Welcome to the world of 15 centimeters a measurement hiding in plain sight. Let’s explore the everyday objects that surprisingly match this 15 cm size, helping you grasp the concept in a whole new way.

Understanding 15 Centimeters: More Than Just a Measurement

Before we dive into our list of common 15-centimeter items, let’s take a moment to visualize measurements. Fifteen centimeters is equivalent to:

  • 150 millimeters (mm)
  • 5.9 inches
  • Approximately half a foot

To put this into perspective, 15 centimeters is roughly the width of an adult’s palm. It’s a length that’s small enough to fit comfortably in your hand, yet large enough to be easily noticeable.

“In the grand tapestry of measurements, 15 centimeters strikes a perfect balance between the minuscule and the massive.” – Anonymous Metrologist

The Metric System: A Brief History

The metric system, which gives us the centimeter, has an interesting history. Developed during the French Revolution, it was designed to be a universal system based on nature. The meter, the foundation of the metric system, was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole.

Fun Fact: 15 cm is roughly 1/13th of Usain Bolt’s average stride length when he set the 100-meter world record!

10 Common Objects That Measure Up to 15 Centimeters

1. Toothbrush: 15 Centimeters Long

15 Centimeters tooth brush on bathroom counter.

Let’s start with something you use every day – your toothbrush. The standard toothbrush length is typically around 15 centimeters, and this isn’t by accident. This length allows for:

  • Comfortable grip
  • Easy maneuverability in the mouth
  • Effective reach to all areas of teeth and gums

The evolution of toothbrush design has led to this optimal length, balancing ergonomics and functionality.

2. Smartphone Screen Diagonals

Smartphone with 15 Centimeters diagonal screen measurement highlighted.

In the age of technology, smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Many popular models sport screen diagonals of around 15 centimeters (or 6 inches). This size has proven to be a sweet spot, offering:

  • Ample screen real estate for content consumption
  • Comfortable one-handed use for most adults
  • Portability without sacrificing visibility

3. 15 Centimeters Standard Bic Pen

15 Centimeters Bic pen aligned with ruler on notepad.

The ubiquitous Bic pen, a staple in offices and schools worldwide, measures right around 15 centimeters. This practical, everyday item has maintained its length since its introduction in 1950. The reasons for this consistent size include:

  • Comfortable writing experience
  • Easy storage in pockets and pencil cases
  • Efficient use of materials in manufacturing

Read More Our Article 10 Common Things That Are 400 Feet long

4. Sushi Roll

Uncut sushi roll with chef's knife for scale

Venturing into the culinary world, we find that a standard sushi roll (maki) is typically about 15 centimeters long. This length is crucial in Japanese cuisine for several reasons:

  • Optimal bite size when cut into 6-8 pieces
  • Balanced ratio of rice to filling
  • Aesthetic appeal on the plate

5. Credit Card (Diagonally)

Credit card with diagonal measurement illustrated.

While not exactly 15 centimeters, the diagonal of a standard credit card comes very close at 13.5 cm. This size, defined by the ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1 standard, ensures:

  • Easy fit in wallets and card holders
  • Compatibility with ATMs and card readers worldwide
  • Sufficient space for essential information and security features

6. CD/DVD Diameter

15 Centimeters DVD disc partially inserted into a jewel case.

Remember CDs and DVDs? These once revolutionary storage devices measure exactly 12 centimeters in diameter – just shy of our 15 cm mark. This size was chosen to:

  • Accommodate 74 minutes of uncompressed stereo audio
  • Fit comfortably in car stereos and portable players
  • Strike a balance between storage capacity and portability

7. Action Figure

action figure height comparison with ruler.

In the world of collectibles, the 6-inch (15.24 cm) scale is incredibly popular for action figures. This size offers:

  • Enough detail to satisfy collectors
  • A good balance between displayability and storage
  • Consistency across different toy lines for mixing and matching

8. Pair of Chopsticks

A pair of 15 Centimeters wooden chopsticks laid parallel

Chopsticks typically range from 15 to 25 centimeters, with 15 cm being common for children or as travel sets. This length provides:

  • Easy manipulation of food
  • Comfortable grip for most hand sizes
  • Cultural significance in East Asian dining etiquette

Read More 10 Everyday Items That Are 3 Feet Long

9. Sticky Note (Post-it)

Two sticky notes placed end to end.

The iconic Post-it note, born from a failed adhesive experiment, measures 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm. While not 15 cm in a single dimension, two notes placed end-to-end would give you our magic number. The genius of this size lies in its:

  • Perfect balance for quick notes and reminders
  • Easy adherence to various surfaces without overwhelming them
  • Stackability and storage efficiency

10. Carnation Flower

A single carnation flower with its stem trimmed to 15 cm.

Rounding out our list is the popular carnation flower. When cut for bouquets, carnations are often trimmed to about 15 centimeters. This length is ideal for:

  • Creating balanced floral arrangements
  • Fitting into standard vases
  • Prolonging vase life by reducing the stem’s water requirements

DIY 15 Centimeters Measurement Hacks

Ready to put this measurement into perspective? Let’s dive into some simple ways you can estimate 15 centimeters using just your body.

  1. Hand Span: For many adults, the distance between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the pinky when the hand is fully spread is close to 15 cm.
  2. Finger Joints: The distance from the tip of your index finger to the second knuckle is often about 5 cm. Triple this, and you’ve got a rough 15 cm estimate.
  3. Foot Length: For many people, the length of their foot from heel to toe is around 25-30 cm. Mentally dividing this in half can give you a close approximation of 15 cm.

Get More Insight 10 Common Things That Are 2 Millimeters (mm) Long/Thick

The Science of 15 Centimeter Size Perception

Our ability to judge sizes accurately is influenced by various factors:

  • Context: Surrounding objects can make something appear larger or smaller than it actually is.
  • Familiarity: We tend to be more accurate in judging the size of objects we interact with frequently.
  • Expectations: Our prior knowledge can sometimes lead us to misjudge sizes based on what we expect to see.

Here’s a simple test to challenge your perception:

ObjectActual LengthYour Guess
Pencil15 cm
Key5 cm
Spoon15 cm
Eraser2 cm
Explore further 12 Common Things That Are 4 Inches Long

How close were your guesses? This exercise demonstrates how our perception of size can often be skewed.

Case Study: How 15 Centimeters Became the Magic Number for Smartphone Screens


In the ever evolving world of smartphones, screen size plays a crucial role in user experience. This case study explores how 15 centimeters (approximately 6 inches) became the sweet spot for smartphone screen diagonals.

The Challenge

Smartphone manufacturers faced a dilemma:

  • Larger screens provide better viewing experience
  • But phones need to remain portable and easy to use one-handed

The 15 Centimeters Solution

Around 2017, several major manufacturers converged on screens measuring close to 15 cm diagonally. This size struck an optimal balance:

  • Large enough for comfortable video viewing and web browsing
  • Small enough to fit in most pockets and be used with one hand

Key Players

  1. Apple iPhone X (2017): 5.8-inch screen (14.7 cm)
  2. Samsung Galaxy S9 (2018): 5.8-inch screen (14.7 cm)
  3. Google Pixel 3 (2018): 5.5-inch screen (14 cm)


The 15cm (6-inch) screen size range quickly became an industry standard:

  • User satisfaction increased due to improved viewing experience
  • Sales of phones in this size range surged
  • App developers optimized UIs for this screen size

Key Takeaways

  1. 15 cm proved to be a “Goldilocks” size – not too big, not too small
  2. This size allowed for larger batteries without sacrificing portability
  3. The success of this form factor influenced tablet and laptop designs

Conclusion: The Invisible Standard Among Us

As we have explored, 15 centimeters is a length that pops up in surprising places throughout our daily lives. From the toothbrush we use each morning to the smartphone we can’t seem to put down, this measurement has quietly become a standard in many aspects of design and manufacturing.

The next time you pick up a pen or unwrap a stick of gum, take a moment to appreciate the thought and precision that goes into determining these objects’ sizes. In a world of varying dimensions, 15 centimeters proves to be a hidden harmony in our everyday chaos.

“To measure is to know. If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” – Lord Kelvin

This quote reminds us of the importance of understanding and appreciating the measurements that shape our world. So, keep your eyes peeled – you might be surprised by how many 15-centimeter objects you encounter in your daily life!

Interactive Element: “Test Your 15 Centimeters Eye”

To wrap up, let’s put your newly acquired 15 cm knowledge to the test! Can you guess which of these items are exactly 15 cm long?

  1. A banana
  2. A dollar bill
  3. A standard paper clip
  4. A tube of lip balm
  5. A guitar pick

Take a moment to think about each item. Ready for the answers?


  1. Banana: Varies, but often longer than 15 cm
  2. Dollar bill: Correct! US dollar bills are 15.6 cm long
  3. Paper clip: Much smaller, typically around 3-4 cm
  4. Lip balm: Usually shorter, around 7-10 cm
  5. Guitar pick: Much smaller, typically 2-3 cm

How many did you get right? Whether you aced it or not, you’re now well-equipped to spot 15-centimeter objects in your daily life. Remember, the world of measurements is all around us – we just need to open our eyes to see it.

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