10 Things That Are 500 Meters Long or Big


In our vast world, visualizing 500 meters can be challenging. This distance, equivalent to half a kilometer, plays a significant role in various aspects of our lives, from natural wonders to architectural marvels.

Join us as we explore the scale through tangible examples that highlight human ingenuity and nature’s grandeur.

The Significance of 500 Meters in Our World

Before we dive into our list of 500-meter structures and landmarks, let’s take a moment to appreciate the significance of this distance. 500 meters is a crucial measurement in many fields, including architecture, engineering, sports, and urban planning.

It’s long enough to be impressive yet short enough to be relatable to our daily experiences.

To help you visualize 500 meters, imagine:

  • Walking 5 football fields end-to-end
  • Jogging once around a standard running track
  • The length of 5 soccer fields placed side by side

Now that we have a basic understanding, let’s explore some remarkable examples of things that are large or close to that size.

Natural Wonders at 500 Meters

Nature provides us with awe-inspiring examples of the 500-meter scale. Let’s look at two natural landmarks that exemplify this magnitude.

1. Uluru (Ayers Rock) – Circumference

A section of Uluru, showcasing a 500 meter portion of its 9.4 kilometer circumference.

Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is an iconic sandstone monolith in Australia’s Northern Territory. While its height is impressive at 348 meters, it’s the rock’s circumference that relates to our 500-meter theme.

Heightct348 meters
CircumferenceApproximately 9.4 kilometers

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A 500-meter section of Uluru’s base represents about 5.3% of its total circumference. Imagine walking this distance along the rock’s base – you’d experience the changing textures, colors, and geological features that make Uluru a natural wonder.

2. Victoria Falls – Width During Peak Flow Season

500 meter section of Victoria Falls, representing 29% of its 1,708-meter width during peak flow.

Victoria Falls, straddling the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, is one of the world’s most impressive waterfalls. During the peak flow season, its width reaches an astounding 1,708 meters.

Width (peak season)1,708 meters
Height108 meters

A 500-meter section of Victoria Falls would encompass about 29% of its total width. Standing at one end of this 500-meter stretch, you’d be overwhelmed by the sheer power and majesty of the falling water, showcasing nature’s ability to create landmarks 500 meters in length.

Man Made Marvels: Skyscrapers Near 500 Meters

Human ingenuity has pushed the boundaries of architecture, resulting in skyscrapers 500 meters tall or close to it. Let’s examine three impressive examples.

3. CN Tower (553.3m) – Just Over 500 meters

CN Tower in Toronto, standing 553.3 meters tall, slightly surpassing the 500 meter mark.

The CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, stands as a testament to human engineering prowess. At 553.3 meters, it slightly exceeds our 500-meter benchmark.

“The CN Tower held the record for the world’s tallest free-standing structure for 32 years until 2007.”

Key features of the CN Tower:

  • Observation deck at 447 meters
  • Revolving restaurant at 351 meters
  • Glass floor offering a vertigo-inducing view

The CN Tower showcases how human-made structures reaching 500 meters can become iconic landmarks and tourist attractions.

4. One World Trade Center (541.3m) – Slightly Exceeding 500 meters

Rising from the ashes of tragedy, One World Trade Center in New York City stands at 541.3 meters, a powerful symbol of resilience and hope.

FloorHeight (meters)Feature
100-102387-417Observation deck
20-9891-387Office space
1-190-91Lobby and mechanical systems

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At just over 500 meters tall, One World Trade Center demonstrates how architectural marvels of 500 meters can embody both functionality and symbolism.

5. Taipei 101 (509.2m) – Barely Surpassing 500m

Taipei 101, a tall skyscraper with a unique architectural design

Taipei 101 in Taiwan, standing at 509.2 meters, offers another example of a skyscraper just over the 500-meter mark.

Notable features:

  • 101 floors above ground
  • World’s fastest elevator (60.6 km/h)
  • Designed to withstand typhoons and earthquakes

Taipei 101 illustrates how buildings 500 meters tall can incorporate cutting-edge technology and sustainable design principles.

Feats of Engineering: Bridges and Viaducts

Engineering marvels often span distances far greater than 500 meters, but understanding this scale helps us appreciate their magnitude.

6. Akashi Kaikyō Bridge – Main Span (1,991 meters)

The Akashi Kaikyō Bridge in Japan boasts the world’s longest central span for a suspension bridge at 1,991 meters.

To put this in perspective:

  • 500 meters is about 1/4 of the main span
  • You could fit four 500-meter segments within this single span

This comparison helps us visualize 500 meters in the context of massive infrastructure projects.

7. Millau Viaduct – Tallest Pylon (343 meters)

Millau Viaduct, with its tallest pylon reaching 343 meters, contrasted with the 500 meter scale.

France’s Millau Viaduct is renowned for its height and elegant design. Its tallest pylon reaches 343 meters.

Comparing to our 500-meter scale:

  • 500 meters is approximately 1.5 times the height of the tallest pylon
  • The total length of the viaduct (2,460 meters) is nearly 5 times our 500-meter benchmark

This comparison demonstrates how 500 meters long structures relate to modern engineering feats.

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Athletic Achievements at 500 Meters

The 500-meter distance plays a significant role in various sports, showcasing human physical capabilities.

8. 500 meter Speed Skating

Speed skaters racing over a 500 meter track, highlighting world record times of 33 and 36 seconds.

Speed skating offers a thrilling demonstration of human speed over the 500-meter distance.

World record times:

  • Men: 33.61 seconds (Pavel Kulizhnikov, 2019)
  • Women: 36.36 seconds (Nao Kodaira, 2019)

These incredible times highlight the intense speed and power athletes can generate over half a kilometer.

9. 500 meters Swimming

A swimmer completing a 500 meter swim.

While not an Olympic event, the 500-meter swim is a common distance in training and some competitions.

Comparison to Olympic pools:

  • Standard Olympic pool length: 50 meters
  • 500 meters = 10 laps of an Olympic pool

This comparison helps swimmers and fans alike understand the scale of a 500-meter swimming event.

Urban Planning and Architecture

The 500-meter scale plays a crucial role in urban design and architecture, influencing how we experience and navigate our cities.

10. Superblocks in Barcelona (400m x 400m)

Barcelona’s innovative superblock system uses 400m x 400m urban units to prioritize pedestrians and reduce traffic.

How 500 meters relates to urban design:

  • A 500-meter walk covers slightly more than the width of a superblock
  • This distance is considered ideal for walkable neighborhoods

Understanding the 500-meter scale helps urban planners create more livable and sustainable cities.

11. The High Line, New York City (2.33km)

New York City's High Line park, representing 21% of its 2.33-kilometer length.

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New York’s High Line is a linear park built on a former elevated railway line, spanning 2.33 kilometers.

A 500-meter section of the High Line:

  • Represents about 21% of its total length
  • Typically includes multiple access points, art installations, and diverse plant life

This example shows how 500-meter long segments can be incorporated into urban renewal projects, creating engaging public spaces.

Space and Science: Pushing Boundaries

Even in the realms of space exploration and particle physics, the 500-meter scale provides interesting comparisons.

12. International Space Station – Length (109 meters)

International Space Station at 109 meters long, compared to a 500 meter length, 4.6 times longer.

The International Space Station (ISS) orbits Earth at an altitude of about 400 kilometers.

Comparing the ISS to 500 meters:

  • The ISS is about 109 meters long
  • 500 meters is nearly 4.6 times the length of the ISS

This comparison helps us visualize 500 meters in the context of space exploration and orbital structures.

13. Large Hadron Collider – Diameter (8.6km)

The Large Hadron Collider’s circular tunnel filled with advanced machinery, curving away into the distance,

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator.

A 500-meter section of the LHC:

  • Represents about 5.8% of its circumference
  • Contains numerous superconducting magnets and sophisticated detection equipment

This example illustrates how the 500-meter scale relates to cutting-edge scientific infrastructure.

Case Study: 500 Meters Scale in Copenhagen’s Urban Design


Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital, has long been renowned for its cyclist-friendly infrastructure and sustainable urban planning. In 2016, the city embarked on an ambitious project to redesign its urban landscape using this scale as a key planning principle.

This case study examines how this approach transformed Copenhagen’s livability and sustainability.

The 500 Meters Neighborhood Concept

Copenhagen’s urban planners introduced the “5-Minute City” concept, where essential services and amenities are within a 500-meter radius (or a 5-minute walk) from any residential area. This half a kilometer distance became the cornerstone of their urban redesign strategy.


  1. Superblocks: Inspired by Barcelona’s model, Copenhagen created 500m x 500m superblocks, prioritizing pedestrians and cyclists.
  2. Green Corridors: 500-meter long green spaces were integrated throughout the city, connecting neighborhoods.
  3. Transit Hubs: Public transport stops were strategically placed at 500-meter intervals.
  4. Mixed-Use Development: Each 500-meter zone was designed to include residential, commercial, and recreational spaces.


After a 5-year implementation period, Copenhagen saw significant improvements:

  • 30% reduction in car traffic within the city center
  • 25% increase in bicycle usage for daily commutes
  • 15% decrease in carbon emissions from urban transport
  • 20% increase in local business revenues within the 500-meter zones
  • 40% increase in resident satisfaction with their neighborhoods


  • Initial resistance from car-dependent residents
  • Costs associated with infrastructure changes
  • Balancing density with green space in the 500-meter zones

Key Takeaways

  1. The 500-meter scale proved effective for creating walkable, sustainable neighborhoods.
  2. Integrating multiple urban functions within this scale enhanced community cohesion.
  3. The project demonstrated how visualizing 500 meters can revolutionize urban planning approaches.


Copenhagen’s use of this scale in urban design has greatly improved the city’s livability and sustainability. This case study shows how applying such concepts can transform urban environments, offering valuable insights for cities worldwide aiming for more sustainable, people-centered spaces


Q: How long does it take to walk 500 meters?

A: For an average person walking at a moderate pace (about 5 km/h), it would take approximately 6 minutes to walk 500 meters.

Q: What’s the equivalent of 500 meters in other units?


  • 0.5 kilometers
  • 1,640 feet
  • 546.8 yards
  • 0.31 miles

Q: Are there any famous races that use a 500m distance?

A: While not as common as other distances, the 500m is used in speed skating competitions, including the Winter Olympics. It’s also a standard distance in canoe sprint events.

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Conclusion: Appreciating the 500 Meters Scale

As we have explored these diverse examples, from natural wonders to architectural marvels and scientific achievements, we’ve gained a deeper appreciation for the 500-meter scale. This distance, while seemingly abstract, is woven into the fabric of our world in countless ways.

Whether you’re walking a short distance in your neighborhood or marveling at a towering skyscraper, you now have a richer understanding of scale. The next time you encounter something of similar length or height, take a moment to reflect on its place in human achievement and natural wonder.

By understanding and appreciating the 500-meter scale, we gain a new perspective on the world around us, from the ground beneath our feet to the limits of human engineering reaching towards the sky.

Test Your Knowledge: The 500 Meters Quiz

Ready to put your new found knowledge about 500-meter structures and landmarks 500 meters in length to the test? Take this fun and engaging quiz to see how well you’ve grasped the concept of visualizing 500 meters. Good luck!

  1. Which of these natural wonders has a width close to 500 meters during peak flow season? a) Niagara Falls b) Angel Falls c) Victoria Falls d) Iguazu Falls
  2. How many Olympic-sized swimming pools would fit end-to-end in 500 meters? a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20
  3. Which of these skyscrapers is closest to being exactly 500 meters tall? a) Empire State Building b) Burj Khalifa c) Taipei 101 d) Shanghai Tower
  4. In speed skating, the world record for 500 meters is closest to: a) 20 seconds b) 33 seconds c) 45 seconds d) 1 minute
  5. How much of the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge’s main span is 500 meters? a) About 1/8 b) About 1/4 c) About 1/2 d) About 3/4


  1. c) Victoria Falls
  2. b) 10
  3. c) Taipei 101
  4. b) 33 seconds
  5. b) About 1/4

How did you do? Whether you aced it or learned something new, understanding the 500 meter scale helps us appreciate the magnitude of both natural and man made wonders around us. Keep exploring and learning about the world’s impressive 500 meter structures and beyond.

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